Medieval Pottery
Pottery from kiln sites and possible production sites.
Pottery from consumer sites identified by sub-regions in which they commonly occur.
A few samples of commonly occurring fabrics from outside the region.
Pottery from kiln sites and possible production sites.
Pottery from consumer sites identified by sub-regions in which they commonly occur.
Medieval Pottery (12th-14th c.) - Norfolk
Sherd sections - scale in mm
UGBB - Blackborough End ware
GRCW - Grimston coarseware (unglazed ware)
LMU - Norwich-type local medieval unglazed
TRMCW - Trunch medieval coarseware
BBCW - Barton Bendish coarseware
GRIM - Grimston ware (glazed)
FRANCW - Fransham medieval coarseware
Norfolk production sites
NNFSW - North Norfolk fine sandy ware
NNMCWM - North Norfolk MCW micaceous
NNSOW - North Norfolk sandy oxidised ware
NNCSW - North Norfolk coarse sandy ware
NNMCP - N Norfolk micaceous & clay pellets
ENSOW - East Norfolk sandy oxidised ware
Norfolk unsourced wares
ENMCWM - East Norfolk MCW micaceous
ENMCWCP - E Norfolk MCW with clay pellets
WVSW - Waveney Valley sandy ware (Norfolk)
NNFSGW - N Norfolk fine sandy greyware
ENMSGW - E Norfolk medium sandy greyware
Medieval Pottery (12th-14th c.) - Suffolk
Sherd sections - scale in mm
MTN1 - Melton sparse shelly ware
GPPMCW - Gipping coarseware
HGHCW1/2 - Haughley coarseware
HOLL - Hollesley coarseware
HOLG - Hollesley glazed ware
CHIL - Chillesford coarseware
SCVMCW - South Cove coarseware
MILG - Mildenhall glazed ware
MILCW - Mildenhall coarseware
MIPS - Medieval Ipswich coarseware
IPSG - Ipswich glazed ware
CHEL - Chelmondiston ware
Suffolk production sites
BSW - Bury Sandy ware
BCSW - Bury coarse sandy ware
BMCWG - Bury medieval coarseware gritty
Suffolk unsourced wares
BMSDW - Bury medieval shell-dusted ware
BMCW - Bury medieval coarseware
MLVCW - Medieval Lark Valley coarseware
MWSCW - Medieval west Suffolk coarseware
SWSSM - SW Suffolk sandy micaceous ware
RCSW - Rougham coarse sandy ware
SKTHOLL - Stowmarket Hollesley-type ware
SKTMCW - Stowmarket medieval coarseware
MSSCW - Medieval south Suffolk coarseware
MESCW - Medieval east Suffolk coarseware
MCWMSE - SE Suffolk micaceous ware
MCWSC - Medieval coarseware Suffolk coastal
WVCWM - Waveney Valley coarseware micaceous
WVSW - Waveney Valley sandy ware
WVGW - Waveney Valley glazed ware
MSSCWG - Medieval south Suffolk coarseware gritty
MSSBW - Medieval south Suffolk blackware (coarse version)
MCWG - Medieval coarseware gritty
EYECW - Eye coarseware
YGSW - Yellow glazed sandy ware
This website, and the type series, was created by Dr Sue Anderson, Spoilheap Archaeology:
I am available for contract work on pottery from East Anglia and beyond. Email
© 2024. All rights reserved.
To visit the type series at Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Bury St Edmunds, contact Faye Minter:
Tel: 01284 741 228 to make an appointment.