ENMCWCP - N Norfolk micaceous and clay pellets

Abundant v fine sand, generally well-sorted, moderate clay pellets/large clay lenses, generally self-coloured in a buff, grey or black matrix.

TS description (NDR MCW3) (P. Quinn): Unimodal grain size distribution composed of well-sorted, sub-rounded to sub-angular medium-fine sand sized quartz and polycrystalline quartz, some chert, amphibole, opaques and rare zircon, plagioclase and untwinned feldspar. The clay matrix is clean, mottled and relatively iron-poor. Conspicuous lumps of un-hydrated and unmixed base clay occur in the sample. Porosity is low and composed of thin parallel-sided meso-elongate drying voids. Firing took place in an oxidising atmosphere and the significant optical activity and the green colour of the amphibole indicates that the temperature was not above 750°C.

Sample from Taverham.