BBCW/BBGW - Barton Bendish coarseware/glazed ware

'The fabric of 96.7% of the pottery is sandy with rare chalk, flint and iron ore inclusions. The texture varies from harsh pimply to slightly coarse.' (Rogerson 1987).

Common fine-medium sand (mostly uncoloured, some grey, up to 0.8mm), sparse chalk (mostly 1-2mm, some up to 6mm), sparse mica, rare sub-angular flint and soft rounded ferrous oxide. Most common colour is pale grey.

TS description (H. Page): Well-sorted, very coarse and coarse rounded to sub-rounded quartz and less common polycrystalline quartz. Rare microcline feldspar, weathered feldspar and chert. Vitrified, very homogenous, brown, non-optically active, non-calcareous clay matrix. Secondary calcite is present in the common mega- and meso-vugh voids. Some micritic calcite in the voids may be due to the degradation and loss of calcite inclusions during firing.