NNSOW - North Norfolk sandy oxidised ware

Fine/medium sandy with sparse angular flint (usually white, 2-3 pieces per sherd) and ferrous oxide, rare mica visible in surfaces. Probably a version of UGBB and similarities to EMWSF.

TS description (H. Page): Moderately sorted, rounded to sub-rounded, coarse to fine sand sized, frequent quartz and less frequent polycrystalline and microcrystalline quartz. Sparse small, equant and elongate rounded to sub-angular chert and iron-stained chert inclusions, elongate mica, rare microcline feldspar and weathered feldspar. Relatively homogenous, oxidised, red, very iron rich, weakly optically active, non-calcareous clay matrix, with rare discordant deep red, sharp to diffuse argillaceous inclusions with high optical density and occasional shrinkage voids. Frequent mega- to meso- vugh and channel voids. Fabric is similar to sample from Themelthorpe (below).

Sample from Foulsham.

NNSOW - North Norfolk sandy oxidised ware

Fine/medium sandy with sparse angular flint (usually white, 2-3 pieces per sherd) and ferrous oxide, rare mica visible in surfaces. Probably a version of UGBB and similarities to EMWSF.

TS description (H. Page): Poorly sorted, very coarse to fine, rounded to sub-rounded common quartz and less common polycrystalline quartz. Rare plagioclase feldspar and elongate muscovite mica, very rare micaceous sandstone inclusions, small elongate, sub-angular chert and iron-stained chert. Oxidised, red to yellow-red, very iron rich non-calcareous clay matrix with weak optical activity. Frequent red discordant textual features with high optical density and sharp to diffuse boundaries and an iron rich pisolith. Common meso- channels and vughs. Fabric is similar to above but with a lower percentage of inclusions.

Sample from Themelthorpe.