BMCW - Bury-type Medieval Coarseware

Fine to medium hard sandy mid to dark greyware, sparse to moderate mica. Usually with reddish margins and/or core. Similar, but not identical, to wares found in south Cambridgeshire and north Essex, but may have been produced in or near Bury St Edmunds.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Loosely-packed angular silt-sized inclusions of quartz, muscovite mica, chert, ferruginous inclusions and glauconite as well as sparse rounded, coarse to fine sand-sized quartz and polycrystalline quartz. The latter may represent temper or could be intrinsic. Contains several silt-rich ferruginous inclusions that appear to be natural in origin. Possible relic coils. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous well oxidised clay matrix. Rare meso-elongate voids.

Example from St Saviour's, Bury St Edmunds.