NNCSW - North Norfolk coarse sandy ware

Medium-coarse sandy version of NNFSW. Medium sandy, sparse rounded soft ferrous oxide/clay pellets, abundant v fine black inclusions (glauconite or ash?) visible microscopically, rare mica.

TS description (H. Page): Very poorly-sorted, very coarse to very fine, rounded, common quartz, polycrystalline and microcrystalline quartz inclusions. Rare amphibole, common elongate biotite mica, rare muscovite mica, plagioclase feldspar. One very coarse elongate, sub-rounded chert inclusion and smaller rare chert and quartzite inclusions. Heterogeneous dark brown-grey, oxidised, non-calcareous matrix, with some concordant textual features of low optical density. No optical activity of the matrix. Common meso- channels and vughs. The sherd may have been tempered with flint; however this is difficult to determine conclusively as only one large chert inclusion was observed in this section.

Sample from North Walsham.