WVCWM - Waveney Valley Coarseware Micaeous

Fine sand-tempered fabrics with moderate to common mica, and with sparse inclusions of typical local geological origin (clay pellets, chalk, ferrous particles, flint). Sand tends to be mixed colours (white, grey, brown). Usually dark grey surfaces and grey to brownish core.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Well sorted rounded to sub-angular medium and fine sand-sized quartz, chert and polycrystalline quartz, plus sub-angular quartz, muscovite mica and chert inclusions. Well-sorted nature of the sand-sized inclusions and bimodal grain size distribution suggests the presence of temper. Contains rare pisolith and charred plant matter. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous oxidised clay matrix. Rare mega vughs. Mica not particularly abundant.

Example from Hoxne.

Microscope examples from Beccles and Barsham.