HOLL - Hollesley Coarseware

Very fine sandy fabric, sparse to moderate mica, occasional ‘local’ inclusions such as chalk and ferrous fragments. Usually grey.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Hollesley kiln site: Well-sorted sub-rounded to angular fine sand and silt-sized inclusions dominated by quartz with common chert, opaques, fine muscovite mica and rare microcline and glauconite. Contains several probably natural silty plastic features, one rich in iron. Vitrified, non-calcareous reduced clay matrix. Sparse meso-elongate voids and rare macro-vughs.

Example from Hollesley kiln site.

HOLL - Hollesley Coarseware

Very fine sandy fabric, sparse to moderate mica, occasional ‘local’ inclusions such as chalk and ferrous fragments. Usually grey.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Shottisham ?production waste: Frequent well-sorted, rounded medium sand-sized inclusions of quartz with less common polycrystalline quartz and iron-stained chert. Inclusions are unevenly distributed due to uneven blending of temper. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous weakly oxidised clay matrix. Several partially hydrated pellets of base clay that contain angular, fine silt-sized quartz and sparse mica. Meso- and macro-elongate voids. Rare charred plant matter in voids, likely of natural origin.

Example from Shottisham ?production site.