SKTMCW - Stowmarket Medieval Coarseware

Fine to medium sandy with sparse coarse quartz, occasional ferrous inclusions, mica and chalk, generally oxidised brown on one or both surfaces, grey core. Hard. Forms include both early and developed rim types.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Sparse, medium and fine sand-sized rounded to sub-angular inclusions of quartz, polycrystalline quartz, chert, quartzite, opaques and silt-sized mica. Bimodal grain size distribution and uneven distribution of sand-sized inclusions in sample indicates possible temper. Possible pottery fragment and possible relic coil. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous well oxidised clay matrix with some minor iron-rich streaking. Sparse macro-elongate voids aligned to vessel margins.

Example from Stowmarket.

SKTMCW - Stowmarket Medieval Coarseware

Fine sandy/silty, compact fabric with sparse mica, occasional burnt out organics. Light grey to buff. Variant (previously SKTMCWM).

Example from Rougham.