ENMCWM - East Norfolk Medieval Coarseware Micaceous

Very fine micaceous version of LMU. Note that Gt Plumstead sample contains moderate soft red sub-angular ferrous/clay pellets.

TS description (NDR MCW7) (P. Quinn): Unimodal grain size distribution composed of sub-angular to sub-rounded coarse silt and less commonly fine sand-sized inclusions of quartz with few muscovite mica, plagioclase, untwinned feldspar, rare amphibole, siltstone, zircon and opaques. The clay matrix is non-calcareous. The sample has low porosity, composed of parallel-sided micro- and meso-elongate voids. Firing took place in an poorly oxidising atmosphere and based on the brown colour of the rare amphibole, was above 750°C.

Sample from Great Plumstead.