IPSG - Ipswich Glazed Ware

Glazed version of the coarseware (MIPS), produced in the same kilns. Forms similar to Hollesley. Abundant v fine to fine sand (<0.3mm, well-sorted); sparse coarse sand (0.5mm+); sparse clay pellets (0.2-0.5mm); sparse mica. V fine black inclusions visible under microscope. Note that the larger sand grains visible in the example are not a common feature of the ware - see the microscope pictures below.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Silt to fine sand-sized sub-angular to angular inclusions of quartz, chert, muscovite mica and opaques. The latter may include some rare oxidised glauconite. Rare silt-sized feldspar and amphibole. Uneven distribution of more rounded sand-sized inclusions could indicate temper, but grain-size distribution is not bimodal. Occasional clay rich pellets. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous clay matrix that is oxidised on the exterior and reduced in the interior. Frequent meso-elongate drying voids.

Example from the Ipswich kiln site.

IPSG - Ipswich Glazed Ware - microscope photos

Sections and surfaces of two IPSG sherds, as viewed through the microscope.

Examples from the Ipswich kiln site.