NNMCP - N Norfolk micaceous and clay pellets

Silty with moderate fine sandy (yellowish), with abundant mica and moderate fine-coarse ferrous oxide (rounded) and some pale grey clay pellets/lenses.

TS description (H. Page): Poorly-sorted, very coarse to very fine, rounded to sub-rounded quartz and polycrystalline quartz. Rare plagioclase feldspar, frequent very fine to fine elongate biotite mica, and rock inclusions of micaceous sandstone. Brown, oxidised, heterogeneous, non-calcareous clay matrix with high optical activity. Some rare darker brown streaks and rare discordant dehydrated clay inclusions with high optical density and concordant textual features with neutral optical density. Few mega- and meso-channels which are parallel to the vessel wall. Possibly sand tempered.

Sample from Itteringham.