GRCW - Grimston coarseware

Pinkish buff with grey core. Fine-medium sandy (clear, white), sparse to moderate ferrous oxide. Congham 'wasters' are identical.

TS description (H. Page): Moderately well-sorted, rounded to sub-rounded, common quartz and polycrystalline quartz inclusions. Sparse ferruginous inclusions, sparse fine elongate biotite mica and a single very coarse unidentified isotropic, porous inclusion with fine mica. Moderately active, yellow-brown, oxidised, fairly homogenous, non-calcareous matrix. Light yellow-brown colour at the edges of the section and darker brown colour in the middle of the section. Frequent red, discordant textual features of a high optical density. Common meso- vugh voids and few channels. Similar fabric to Fransham MCW.

Sample from Grimston production site.