THETN - Norwich Thetford-type ware
Bedford St kiln: Abundant fine quartz sand (clear and white, almost fused together in some sherds), a few larger sand granules, occasional black ?Ferrous oxide or flint, but generally very few additional inclusions. Commonly very dark grey.
Lobster Lane and St Andrew's St samples are similar, but sand is ill-sorted.
Thin-section description (H. Page): Poorly sorted, very coarse to fine sand sized, equant rounded to sub-rounded quartz inclusions, and fewer polycrystalline quartz inclusions, with sparse fine biotite mica, rare microcline feldspar, weathered feldspar, muscovite mica, and ferruginous opaque minerals. Additionally, very rare lithic inclusions of micaceous sandstone and chert. Optically inactive, dark brown-black, reduced, non-calcareous matrix. Rare meso- to micro- parallel sided voids and a shrinkage void around the single piece of grog.
This website, and the type series, was created by Dr Sue Anderson, Spoilheap Archaeology:
I am available for contract work on pottery from East Anglia and beyond. Email
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To visit the type series at Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Bury St Edmunds, contact Faye Minter:
Tel: 01284 741 228 to make an appointment.