THETG - Grimston Thetford-type ware
"Buff/grey to brown; very coarse, soft to hard fabric with abundant quartz, occasional grog, iron ore and flint inclusions" (after Little 1994, 84). Fine sandy matrix containing common ill-sorted angular and sub-angular medium quartz sand (mostly clear, sub-angular, up to 0.8mm), sparse to moderate fine to medium ferrous oxide and rare chalk and flint. Can be fully reduced to dark grey, or may have buff surfaces and margins.
Thin-section description (H. Page): Poorly sorted, equant, rounded to sub-rounded, coarse to fine sand sized quartz and rare polycrystalline quartz. Common ferruginous opaque minerals and rare rounded sand sized chert. Non-calcareous, heterogenous, oxidised moderately active, light brown-red clay matrix with rare brown streaks and lighter brown streaks, in addition to common rounded, dark red-brown concordant textual features with high optical density. Common meso- parallel walled planar voids with tapered ends.
This website, and the type series, was created by Dr Sue Anderson, Spoilheap Archaeology:
I am available for contract work on pottery from East Anglia and beyond. Email
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To visit the type series at Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Bury St Edmunds, contact Faye Minter:
Tel: 01284 741 228 to make an appointment.