THETF - Fransham Thetford-type ware

Fairly coarse, like THETK. Fine silty/sandy matrix with moderate fine-medium sand (clear, grey, brown), sparse ferrous oxide and sparse coarse flint (typically white).

TS description (H. Page): Moderately to poorly sorted sub-rounded, coarse to fine sand sized quartz and polycrystalline quartz. Common elongate biotite mica, rare microcline feldspar, chert, rock clasts of micaceous sandstone and very rare ferruginous minerals. Relatively homogeneous, light brown, oxidised, weakly optically active non-calcareous clay matrix streaked with streaks of darker brown clay and iron rich argillaceous clay inclusions. Common elongate meso-voids and some shrinkage voids around some argillaceous clay inclusions.