SIPS - 'Sandy' Ipswich Ware (Group 1)
Frequent fairly well-sorted angular to sub-angular quartz sand, generally less than 0.3mm but with some larger grains, including some polycrystalline. Also flecks of mica, some small pieces of chert in the same size range as sand, a little quartzite, a few small grains of felspar, iron oxides and occasional fragments of ironstone and fine-grained sandstone. Some sherds contain a few well-rounded light brownish pellets of glauconite. Feel slightly rough. (After Blinkhorn 2012)
This website, and the type series, was created by Dr Sue Anderson, Spoilheap Archaeology:
I am available for contract work on pottery from East Anglia and beyond. Email
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To visit the type series at Suffolk County Council Archaeological Service, Bury St Edmunds, contact Faye Minter:
Tel: 01284 741 228 to make an appointment.