EMWSS - Early Medieval Ware sparse shelly

Handmade, sparse shell up to 3mm (some leached), sparse medium sand (clear/brown), sparse clay pellets/soft ferrous inclusions, moderate to common mica. Hard. Reddish brown/grey. 11th–13th c.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Sparse very well rounded coarse and very coarse sand-sized inclusions of quartz and elongate laminated fossil shell and abundant moderately well-packed angular silt-sized quartz, chert and muscovite mica, rounded silt-sized glauconite and rare plagioclase and amphibole. The sand sized inclusions could represent temper. Non-vitrified, non-calcareous clay matrix that is oxidised on the exterior and reduced in the interior. Rare sand-sized clay-rich textural inclusion. Meso-elongate voids and occasional large vughs. The shell material is related to that in Sample 11 (YAR).

Example from Great Barton.