EMWSG - Early Medieval Ware sparse shelly with coarse sand

Similar to EMWSS but with moderate coarse rounded and sub-rounded sand. Shell is often leached out.

TS sample description (Patrick Quinn): Frequent well rounded coarse sand-sized inclusions of quartz and less common polycrystalline quartz and iron-stained chert, plus elongate rounded voids from the destruction of plant matter. More abundant, sub-rounded to angular fine sand and silt inclusions of quartz, polycrystalline quartz, chert, muscovite mica, ferruginous matter and rare glauconite. Distinct coarse fraction likely to be temper. Non-vitrified and oxidised non-calcareous clay matrix. Distinct large elongate rounded voids resemble shape of shell inclusions on Sample 9, but contain charred organic matter and no calcareous material.

Example from Sudbourne.